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am i an idiot? absolutely!


Did you read the blog about us finding the naked lady on the side of the road? If not, go read it. But a couple weeks after that incident, we find ourselves faced with another.

We were headed to Daytona from Jacksonville. It was a great day, so we decided to head over to Flagler Beach to walk our dogs. Well, apparently where we had parked, there were NO DOGS ON THE BEACH signs everywhere! UGH!!! Well, there is this nice sidewalk, and you can see the beach. This will be fine. We’ll go for a short walk.

As we began our walk, we see a college aged guy get out of his vehicle with a pitbull. He stops to talk to some gentlemen sitting on a bench. All the while blocking the sidewalk, and having a very hard time controlling his dog. As we approach, I look back at Ray and tell him to pick up Sophie, while I am picking up Brutus. I didn’t trust this dog, or his human. We walk past them with no incident.

As we continue our walk, we notice a young girl on the beach with her dog, another pitbull. Her dog was calm and laying under the crook of her knees. We notice the guy with his pitbull making his way down to the beach…remember, I said there are NO DOGS ON THE BEACH signs everywhere!

As he walks his dog, the dog is physically pulling toward the girl with her dog. And in a matter of second CHAOS!!!! We hear screams, yelling and this girl’s dog making the most horrific sound I’ve ever head.

We look back and this guy’s dog has clamped down on the snout of the girl’s dog. Her dog is wailing! She is a petite girl maybe 5 foot tall and nowhere near 100lbs. She has her arms around the body of her dog trying to pull him/her way. The other pit is locked down. Its owner cannot get him to stop.

While everyone around is frozen and watching in disbelief, Ray gets on the phone to 911. I am scared for this girl. I handed Brutus to Ray and I ran down to the beach. To do what? I DON’T KNOW!!! All I know is that this girl needed help. As I get down to them, I begin yelling at the guy to control his dog (because you, know telling him what to do in a crisis situation sounded solid). He finally gets his dog loose. I grab the girl (her bathing suit is basically falling off of her) and her dog. I start ushering her off the beach. The dog is bleeding. The girl is hysterical. And they guy is crying like a school girl saying “I’m sorry!” I yell at him and tell him to control his dog and get off the beach.

By this time Ray realizes that I have put myself in the middle of a not-so-great situation. He is still on the phone with the police when I hear him frantically yelling my name “CCCHHRRIIIISSSS!!!!!!!”

I look back, and the guy had dropped the leash of his dog, and I see his dog charging back at us! Before I knew what was happening the dog brushed past me, through the girl’s legs and started attacking her dog for a SECOND time. The guy ran back over, and after punching and pulling he was able to get his dog loose. I won’t tell you the words that were coming out of my mouth – but they weren’t Christ-like at all, and we’ll leave it at that.

When he got off the beach he was greeted by the police. I walked with the girl to put her dog up, and then walked her to the officer. From that point I walked away, and told the police officer that we were available if he needed witnesses.

I did hear him tell both parties that their dogs were not supposed to be on the beach, and I believe they both were ticketed.

Ray was FURIOUS with me!! Could you blame him? But all I could thing of was that young girl. If it was my daughter, I would want someone to help her.

Needless to say, I am not a fan of people who have dogs that they cannot control. Much less take them out in public around other dogs and humans.

Later that night as we were discussing this with my folks, my dad said he had just read a story about a dog fighting ring that had been broken up in the Daytona area, and they were rehoming some of the dogs.

This guy said he had only had his dog for 2 weeks. So maybe this was a fighting dog? Or maybe this guy just used horrible judgement that day. I don’t know.

But be assured, I won’t be getting involved in any events involving dogs again! Looking back, I didn’t think that I could have been bitten. I learned something about myself that day. When faced with a flight or fight situation, I tend to fight. Not sure if that’s good or bad.


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